Why I Decided to Take MIS 352

17 Jan 2024

The Future’s Usage of Technology

We’re seeing technology being used everywhere. We use technology to find our way around places. We use technology to search for answers for homework or even tests. We use technology daily, from social media to playing video games like Valorant or Minecraft. Yet, I’m (assumingly) one of the many people who don’t know how technology works. It’s crazy. I don’t know how my computers run the games that I play on daily, or how I’m able to access the files I create on one laptop to the other. This is one of the reasons why I’ve decided to take ITM 352.

In learning how, at the basic level, computers work, I’m able to understand some of the basics of what I’m using. This will hopefully be useful in the future as I’d be able to identify problems when either uploading documents or sending in research that I may have done for days. Even though I’m majoring in other areas that don’t require me to take anything related to MIS, I chose to take this class as I believe that it will benefit me in the long run.

Alongside what I’ll be learning in this class, I’d be able to understand some of the things that my sisters do. They do a lot of things for work and school that require them to code, yet I don’t understand anything that they’re doing. I believe that this class will teach me the basics, thus letting me be able to understand some of the things that they are doing (definitely not for me to pick out the problems in their code).